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Thursday, 15 November 2012

Latest Front Query Trick For Airtel

This trick is not mine I am just sharing the trick which is scattered over the web.

Just follow the simple instruction if you want to use this trick :-

1. Firstly download Operamini Handler Or UC Handler and install it.

2. Create a new access point setting in your mobile.

3. Write account name as WeTricks, APN as, proxy as or, port as 80.

4. Now go to the handler which you have downloaded and set this front query :- in-this-place-just-write-any-working-free-ip-of-your-state/brahmaja/cgiproxy/ or you can also use this front query :- in-this-place-justplace-any-working-free-ip-of-your-state/

5. Done.


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